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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Pipes and Sand

 Well a PVC pipe filled with sand is a step up from PVC pipe no sand!


400M Row

15 Overhead Squats

Time 18:25

Before the WOD we did Hang Squat Snatches with two overhead squats.  They're just a struggle even with a light load.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 AMRAP 2:30 Deadlifts and Burpee Box Jump Overs

2:30 rest between rounds. My achievement for today was using a 14" box for the first round.  I'm not afraid of it anymore and maybe next time I'll add two more inches.

Score: 10 rounds + 12

Monday, October 14, 2024


Pickleball class this morning was very good, I seem to always need to repeat the basics.  Mary invited me  to move to the advanced class on Fridays, I would like to do that, then I could play with a group that plays every Monday the same time as my class, I would not like to do that because...skills.  I know I should make the change to get better.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

1st Tournament

 Today went way better than I expected, I was definitely outside my comfort zone but had a great time.  The four ladies I got paired with for rotating doubles were great fun, and can I just say, "Never underestimate a Margaret." I won two and lost two, for me that's a win.  Mixed doubles didn't happen until noon and it was well over 100 degrees so not as fun. We played six games, the winning stats were not so great but we did win some and had double digit points in the ones we did lose.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


 I bought a new chair--yeah that's a pickleball thing.  Not nervous about tomorrow, no, nope, nah...

Friday, October 11, 2024

Today and Yesterday

 Is last minute practice helpful?  My brain kept trying to remind me how to hit the ball and I would miss, I gotta trust the muscle memory and not think, when I don't think I play better.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Rhyme or Reason

 Decided not to go to CrossFit and work on my pickleball a little light of the fastly approaching tournament on Sunday.  My play this morning was stellar!  If I play like this on Sunday I will do OK ish, unfortunately there seems to be no rhyme or reason to why I have a great pickleball day and a day when I can't even get my serve in or return a dink.  Who knows what will happen on Sunday.