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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

A Little Lightness

 Remodeling and fires are not so fun, but here's something to make everyone smile.  We got to watch grandkids this weekend, on Sunday morning Ally decided that she and Papa were going on a bike ride.

She went to the garage, pulling Papa along with her, got her helmet on and her life vest and 2 sets of floaties.  Ultimate protection!

                                               When Papa helps you put your floaties on! 

Maddie and I went to get some very cool Heelys, Maddie had to show me how to start the car, I'm feeling very old and feeble.  It looked like a push button start, but that didn't work, so I tried putting a key in, that didn't work, so you have to insert the fob that looks like a usb stick and push a button--no; you turn the fob.  After we get the Heelys and get back to the car I'm trying to open the sliders and end up remote starting the car and the doors are now locked and I swear there's no on/off remote start on that fob.  Lucky for us the engine stopped, we got the doors open and went home with Heelys!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

10 mile ride

 Good ten miles tonight with Craig, Ker and KyleJ.