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Friday, August 30, 2024

Pickleball Weekend

 It was bad, I was so not ready to go back to CrossFit ever!  As I'm walking in someone coming out told me how wicked the workout was, I specifically picked it to start back because it didn't look too bad.  It was, she was right. There was a 250M cool down walk at the end, I got a few feet out the door and couldn't even do it. But I was there!  I enjoyed just doing walks the last few weeks, why is muscle so damn important. I probably won't go back until Tuesday because there's no way I'm doing a hero WOD on Monday.  Looks like it'll be a pickleball weekend.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Pickle Ball Morning

 Went at 6:00am, played for awhile, called it good.

Friday, August 9, 2024


 5 rounds of Bike Erg Cal, Ring Muscle Ups, Dumbbell Box Step Ups, scaled, yes very scaled, I think I got 127.  Now it's time to veg and watch the  CF Games.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Front Squats and Dubs

 Front squats were ok, not a PR but elbows higher.  Dubs went better, I can string together a few single, single, dubs.

Friday, August 2, 2024


 I haven't played Pickleball in at least three weeks so I went very early this morning to play, it was already hot, then I went to 8:00am CrossFit, it all adds up to a very bonky result.  I did play better than I expected at Pickleball, worse than I expected at CrossFit.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Row and Box Handstand Push Ups

 Time: 15:10, ok workout, totally survivable. 3 RFT