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Friday, December 16, 2011

100 Day Challenge

Oooh, I am a Slowtwitch lurker, I have followed their forums for years but never registered for an account.  I have never cared to comment on Slowtwitch.  I suppose it is the total intimidation complex I have.  I'm not fast enough, young enough, witty enough etc.  Mainly I just read, laugh, and learn, it can be really entertaining, educational and a great waste of time.  BUT...this did it....the 100 Days/100 Runs challenge.  I think I need that.  The rules are simple, pretty self explanatory unless you ask too many questions!! 100 days---100 runs, minimum 30 minutes, no walking.  The NO WALKING rule is what convinced me, I need this to get past my run/walk.  So I now have a slowtwitch account, I'm in the challege (currently in last place--but that's not the point right!).  Oh maybe it is the point, maybe I'm more competitive than I pretend to be.  We'll see, I may not be fast but I am persistent.  So anyway, if you check the standings, I'm "meldub". Oh and I only have 98 more runs to go.

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