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Friday, September 17, 2010


I had a really good run this morning, I did 12 miles, next week is 8, I'm tapering for the St. George Marathon, gotta love those tapers! After running Craig and I went out to Lake Perris and I got an open water swim in my new wetsuit. Wetsuit is good, makes my butt float more than the old one, heaven knows we need floaty butts. We were swimming in the swim area but there were no lifeguards, three guys run out and dive in. One starts calling to Craig and I to help him, he was struggling. There is no way we are strong enough to pull someone struggling in, but we start towards him talking and talking, trying to keep him calm. We finally got him to flip over on his back, fortunately we were not that far out and we were able to get him to the point where he could stand up. Whew, that was kinda scary.

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