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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Those Hang Power Cleans

 Part 1 was Push Press--got to 41lbs.  Part 2 See the whiteboard, the 60 deadlifts went ok @55lbs, the 45 Hang Power Cleans sucked @35lbs, that was tough to get through, some were sets of 2. 30 Push Press to end it (followed by bike torture) @ 35lbs also.  Each round was 6 minutes and you only count bike calories, note round 2, 2.9 whole calories!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


 50 Strict Pull-ups

100 Hand Release Push-ups

5K run

45 minute time cap, run scaled to 2.25

It was hot, but a good run, if I'd gone a little further I would have got a 5k in, but time cap, yay time cap!

Monday, June 27, 2022


 3 rounds, 19 reps, 

15 overhead squats

 30 dumbbell hang snatches

90 singles--I've been using the gym's rope, but got out my own today and it felt way too long. Thanks to Pat for cutting my rope down for me.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

"We played

well today."  Yes we did.  Pickleball at the ranch with the boys.  Some good shots, some bad shots, but we took them all.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

"Chrimescene" Saturday

 3 Rounds--13:57

400 M Row

12 Front Squats

21 Box Jumps

60 on my heavy set of 4 front squats today, new thing, scoring lowest weigh t= 35lbs

Thursday, June 23, 2022


If someone knows how to avoid ab mat sit up injury, please let me know!!


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

3 parts

 Part 1 Crossfit--bench press 50lbs, could have gone heavier, start higher next time, then AMRAP 12,

40 singles

20 Push-ups

10 Toes to Bar

I got 5 rounds even.

Part 2 Crossfit--manhandle my old mountain bike up the stairs and get it to the shop to be boxed, it was a lot harder than it sounds.

Part 3 Crossfit--just call this Crossfit mental, I finally stopped procrastinating and gathered everything (I think) to get my real ID and made a DMV appt.

Semi productive morning.

Monday, June 20, 2022


 Heartburn, lung burn--Both?  10 rounds, 12 calorie row, 15 wall balls, I've been home a week but still don't think I've reacclimatized to the altitude, at least sleep is getting better.

Time:  28:05

Sunday, June 19, 2022


 We played pickle ball this morning, everyone says it is really fun, I was pretty sure it wasn't that fun, but it was, it was the first time I've played and it was a good time.  And my backhand, oh yeah! I still have a backhand, but darned if I can't do that little underhand serve. I hear it's a short learning curve so hopefully it gets better.  Pickleball followed by 9 holes (is that the right word?) of frisbee golf.  Ha, welcome to the senior lifestyle! We had a medium sized crew here for Father's Day dinner, it was a nice day.

Friday, June 17, 2022

But it should have gone

Like this---yesterdays workout should have had some rest intervals before the presses and toes to bar to failure, later classes got the benefit, but was it means more reps to failure, ouch!  Today--

 Yeah, it was hard, but I say that everyday.  The back squats were scored with your lowest weight to encourage you to start higher to begin with it, I made it to 50.  The WOD was just good ole cardio killer.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

So it went like this...

 Bike, Toes to Bar--to failure, Bike, dumbell bench press--to failure.  Score 144!

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


For Helen--that doesn't mean much, but I showed up! My app says it's a new pr, but I can never find my history on the app so I'm not sure how meaningful it is but gotta celebrate right!