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Wednesday, January 25, 2023


15 lbs on the dumbbell push presses. Had to take the Macho Man down from 35 to 25.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Snatch Complex

 Mostly lifting day--40lbs snatch complex, 25 lbs for the WOD "Snake Bite".

Monday, January 23, 2023

Bench Press

 65lb PR today for me! Now back to work on Valley View, please remind me I don't need more projects in my life.  It's almost ready to go live and today the lock decided to quit, it's not batteries so...

Monday, January 16, 2023


 I have a greater understanding of the snowbird life, that's for sure.  The streets around our house are plowed but icy, and they're hilly. This morning I went to leave early for CrossFit but it was a no-go.  There was a truck stuck down the street and I decided not to even try to go the other direction. So more shoveling for me, probably a good thing anyway, it really needed to be done. Definitely putting that "functional fitness" to work.

75 Hard requires a progress photo every day, so this is it for today!

Friday, January 13, 2023



Thrusters and ring rows.

Time: 18:11

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Best out of Three

 3 Rounds x AMRAP 5:

3 Box Jumps

6 Dumbbell Snatches

9 Hand Release Push-ups

4+3 4+3 4+4

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

"Lost in the Sauce"

 Row, Overheard Squats and Dumbbell Pushpresses, 4 rounds with a 3 minute rest in between rounds. You only score the Dumbbell Pushpresses, I didn't get to them the first two rounds, final score 10.

I'm waiting for a little more sun to do a little more shoveling.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


 Deadlift 1x5=105lbs

WOD: Marston


1 Deadlift (95lbs)

10 Toes to Bar

15 Bar Facing Burpees--5 rounds + 17 reps

My win today was jumping over the bar for all of my bar facing burpees.  The weather is still bad I need to find a little emotional strength to get my outdoor 45 in.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Nasty Girls V2

 Done, the nasty today is the weather!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Day 7

 So far so good.  Yesterday was tough, I did CrossFit but we went out for dinner, the food was incredible but I think I did ok trying to stay within Hard75 parameters.  We had a gorgeous 45 minute walk in the desert after, so I'm calling it ok.  As much as I like snow; to be away and warm was good for the soul.  This morning I did a 45 minute Yoga with Adrienne, and will probably get a walk in after lunch. Just plodding away for 68 more days. I'm hoping to do more skiing next week when crowds thin.                            

Friday, January 6, 2023

Today I Could Count

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 reps for time of : Dumbbell Squats and Bar Facing Burpees

Followed by: 1 Rep Max Clean----50lbs for me today.

Outdoor workout:  Shoveling snow (again), I don't mind it since I can call it an outdoor workout. 

Thursday, January 5, 2023


 CrossFit and outdoor Yoga.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Day 3 75 Hard

 Productive morning today, Crossfit, groceries and an outdoor walk.

"Lets Bounce"

150. 120. 90. 60. 30 Singles

50. 40. 30. 20. 10 Wall Balls

25. 20. 15. 10. 5 Hang Power Snatches

25 minute time cap, I didn't finish the last Wall Balls and Hang Power Snatches

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Shoveling Snow

 Part of 75 Hard is one 45 minute outdoor workout.  I didn't choose a very good time of year to start this.  Yesterday's walk was cold!  Today after Crossfit I decided I would shovel the stairs and parking pad.  It was a lot of work but I wasn't cold.  

The Crossfit workout was good as always, 10 rounds + 11 reps.

Monday, January 2, 2023

New Year

Day One: 75 Hard, Crossfit (lots of front squats) and 45 minute walk outside. 75 days, stick to the plan 7 days a week no cheating or you start over...might take me the whole year.